Versions by Locations Report
This report displays information about the status of each object version in each location. Locations are listed along the top and object versions are listed along the left-hand side.
It can be accessed by choosing View -> Reports -> Versions by Locations from the menu bar.
- All or Selected
- Choose whether to report on all objects, or whether to enter selector patterns using the next region of the dialog.
- Selectors
- Enter an object selector pattern and click 'Add' to add it to the adjacent list of current selectors. That list of selectors will be applied in sequence. A counter indicates how many objects are likely to be considered for inclusion in the report, subject to later filtering specified on the dialog. Note however that the selectors are re-evaluated at the time of report generation, so the actual number found at that time may be different. A selector can use the ? and * wildcards. It can use the ' or - prefix to act as a deselector. It can use the @ prefix to specify change requests (wildcards not supported).
- Systems
- If any rows in this list are selected then the report will only contain objects belonging to the selected systems. Multiselection is allowed. If no rows are selected then no system-based filtering occurs.
- Locations
- If any rows in this list are selected then the report will only contain columns for the selected locations. Multiselection is allowed. If no rows are selected then there will be a column for each location that any of the objects has a reportable status at.
- Location Lists
- Selecting any rows in this list is equivalent to selecting the row in the preceding list for each location in the list(s). Multiselection is allowed.
- Status
- Check the box for each status you want the report to include. See below for status meanings.
Output is presented in Microsoft Excel format.

The status of an object version in a location is represented by a single character:
Character | Stands for... | Explanation |
M | Master | The master copy of the object version exists at the location. |
A | Active | The master copy of the object version does not exist at the location, but that the object version can be accessed from the location. |
E | Error | The object version is in error at the location. |
See Also: Object Versions, Locations