Bulk Transfers
Transfers are often performed by finding the relevant change requests, objects or components in the browser, selecting them and initiating the transfer. In other situations, for example when dealing with a large number of items, it may be preferable to give the selector patterns to the transfer engine rather than passing it the list of items to transfer. This is called a bulk transfer.
Perform a Bulk Transfer

1. Select the location whose contents you want to transfer. This can be done within the top-level Locations folder or within a subfolder of the Location Lists folder.

2. Click on the 'Transfer Multiple Objects' button. If the button is disabled hover over it to find out why. For example, use of this feature may have been restricted by your system manager using access rights on the function named Object.BulkTransfer.fnOpen.
3. Complete the dialog that appears:

- Function
- The function code of the transfer route to use.
- From
- The location from which the transfer will originate. This field is display-only.
- To
- The location or location list that will be the destination of the transfer.
- All or Selected
- Choose whether to transfer all objects that are present at the from-location, or whether to enter selector patterns using the next region of the dialog.
- Selectors
- Enter an object selector pattern and click 'Add' to add it to the adjacent list of current selectors. That list of selectors will be applied in sequence. A counter indicates how many objects are likely to be involved in the transfer. Note however that the selectors are re-evaluated at the time of transfer, so the actual number found at that time may be different. A selector can use the ? and * wildcards. It can use the ' or - prefix to act as a deselector. It can use the @ prefix to specify change requests (wildcards not supported).
- Background?
- Check this box if you want the transfer to be performed as a background process. Messages from the transfer will be recorded in the audit trail as appropriate but will not display on your screen.
4. Click 'OK'. The transfer will be performed.
See Also: Locations, Transfer Routes