Initiating a Transfer
Transfer Items
Although transfers can be initiated from object versions, components and change requests, it is only object versions that the transfer operation acts upon.
A transfer initiated from a component operates on the object version that the component belongs to.
Likewise, a transfer that is initiated from a change request moves or copies the object versions that it contains. Object versions within a change request may exist at various locations. Consequently not all object versions will be available at the from-location of the specified transfer. In such cases Deltanji will report which objects were transferred and which were skipped.
In order for a transfer to happen there must be a valid transfer route. For more information, see the article on Transfer Routes.
Initiating the Transfer

1. Navigate to the item you wish to transfer. Generally you do this within the location that you want to transfer from, but if you initiate the transfer from an item displayed under another location, or under a location-independent top-level folder, you can set the from-location in the subsequent dialog.
2. Click on your item and
- EITHER Drag and drop it onto the location in the folders panel that you wish to transfer it to.
- OR Right-click on it and select from the Transfer sub-menu the type of transfer you want to initiate.
- OR From the menu bar, choose Transfer and select from the sub-menu the type of transfer you want to initiate.
The transfer dialog will appear. Here, you can fully specify the details of the transfer. Note that you may also be able to change the type of transfer, the source location and the destination location in this dialog.
Bulk Transfer Alternative
If you need to transfer a large number of objects it may be more efficient to use the Bulk Transfer feature.
See Also: Transfers, The Transfer Dialog, Bulk Transfers, Transfer Routes, Object Versions, Components, Change Requests