Integration with InterSystems Editors

Once a namespace has been set up as a Deltanji location, follow these steps once to integrate InterSystems code editors such as Atelier, Portal and Studio with Deltanji:

  1. Using Portal, set the correct Source Control Class for the namespace. If the namespace is Ensemble-enabled you should pick VCmStudio.SourceControl.Ensemble. Otherwise pick VCmStudio.SourceControl.
  2. Using Studio, connect to the namespace. The output pane of Studio will report that it has connected you to Deltanji.
  3. Use Studio's Tools\Add-Ins\Add-Ins menu option to run the add-in called "Deltanji Configuration".
  4. In the configuration dialog's first dropdown pick the location associated with the namespace.
  5. Set other fields in the dialog as you need.
  6. OK the dialog.
  7. Disconnect Studio and reconnect it in order to load the new settings.

If you wish to restrict who is permitted to amend the settings made in the "Deltanji Configuration" add-in, set access rights on the function named Studio.Right.Configure.