Installing Program Files
Note: The Deltanji software kit needs to be installed on the same machine as the Caché or M repository server and the web server. This means that if your system is configured to have the repository server and the web server on different machines, a complete set of Deltanji files needs to be installed on both machines.
The software is normally supplied in a zip file. To install it, copy the zip file onto the target server, unzip it there into a temporary directory, then move the unzipped file tree to your chosen installation directory. When transferring the zip file between computers make sure it is handled as a binary file (e.g. if using FTP ensure bin mode is used rather than ascii mode).
Suggested Installation Directory
We suggest the following directory for your Deltanji installation:
C:\Deltanji\ |
Though it is possible to install Deltanji within C:\Program Files, the default permissions within that folder may complicate the procedure.
As detailed above, it is preferable to transfer the zip file to the target server before unzipping it in situ in a temporary directory, e.g.
$ unzip -a
Provided your unzip utility is competent this procedure ensures that text files distributed in the zip with Windows style line endings are converted to have UNIX/Linux style ones.
If unzip isn't installed, you may be able to use Java's jar utility thus:
jar -xvf
If this doesn't work it is possible that jar is available but just not on your path.
Locate it and then either add it to your path, e.g. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java6/bin
or run it using the full path.
If this is not possible, and the zip is instead unpacked on Windows, make sure that the subsequent transfer of files to the UNIX/Linux environment does the correct thing with text files (e.g. .css, .js, .htm), converting their linebreaks from Windows-style to UNIX/Linux-style.
Suggested Installation Directory
We suggest the following directories for your Deltanji installation:
/usr/deltanji/ |
As detailed above, it is preferable to transfer the zip file to the target server before unzipping it in situ in a temporary directory, e.g.
The Info-Zip version of UNZIP.EXE is available from
If this is not possible, and the zip is instead unpacked on Windows, make sure that the subsequent transfer of files to the OpenVMS environment does the correct thing with text files (e.g. .css, .js, .htm).
Unzipping the kit on OpenVMS typically creates the text files with Variable record format. On Caché it is necessary for these to be converted to Stream format. To achieve this Deltanji includes a file called VAR_TO_STREAM.COM which is a DCL procedure that scans a directory and its subdirectories, converting files having Variable record format. The conversion uses the FDL specification in VCM_STREAM.FDL. To invoke it, switch to the directory containing these two files, and then invoke the procedure as shown below. For example, if the COM and FDL files unzipped to DISK$MAIN301:[DELTANJI] the commands are:
Each converted file will be reported. The unconverted files will remain with predecessor version numbers.
Suggested Installation Directory
We suggest the following directories for your Deltanji installation:
disk:[DELTANJI] |
Next Step
Next, install Deltanji routines.